Generation Storytellers who come to making meaning differently and emotionally


This goes beyond dance. It represents expression and memory. Imagine having any number of methods to tell that story.

Imagine a generation problem-solving by doing away with the dominant procedural approach to instead finding creative connections.

A former student now BBC Correspondent reminded me how in the early days of social media I spoke about the behavioural importance of white space. Now new spaces are opening.

Then imagine non-fiction storytelling via AI. It’s an approach I hope to be sharing at the Storytelling and Machine’s conference later in the year.

For more do pop over to my platform here where I also explain AI-non fiction storytelling, how renaissance art has been reimagined and the journal I’ll be showing at the conference.



Dr David Dunkley Gyimah

Creative Technologist & Associate Professor. International Award Winner Cinema journalist. Ex BBC/C4News. Apple profiled Top Writer,