Where’s the next cohort of filmmakers coming from? Within AI?
In 2000 they said the Internet would democratise media. In 2005 it was video online. By 2006, Social media would be next. As we limped into 2007/8 from a housing crash mobile journalism was the in thing.
VR, AR, Data — all would follow and guess what, people who perhaps wouldn’t have thought of having careers and becoming savvy, media players and the rest, found a way to make a living when corporate industries held the reigns prior 2000.
But what’s happening next is a flattening of previous careers that will be both alarming and help create a democratic deepening in what can be achieved. The tools to make a movie are within AI.
But caution, filmmaking is easy, storytelling isn’t.
There are caveats obviously. If this is the democracy we all seek, then pricing is an issue. Solve that, particularly for disadvantaged groups and it’s a winner. Some are taking those steps equipping children in remote villages with hardware and AI software.
Will it destroy the film industry? It will cause a shock ( all new techs do) but they’ll be innovations that create new domains and actors.
Anybody who’s read or subscribed to Computer Arts magazine back in the day will have seen frequent quantum leaps in innovation. These are showcased regularly at SXSW or OFFF.
Back in 2003 I crossed paths with Rob Chiu, from us both being featured in Computer Arts mag.
Rob was/is the OG. His work pulled him from obscurity, and solo creativity into becoming one his generations commercial directors
Self editing, and shooting started Rob off, but him and his peers didn’t destroy a film industry. They emboldened it, challenged it, and when they were comfortable they joined it. Others have built their own companies.
Each new technology has forced a social change to align with new co-shared platforms. TikTok and influencers didn’t destroy the ad industry anymore than the photographic industry destroyed painting.
My last post noted Paul Delarouche’s comments, Painting is dead in the 1800s. And iPads were going to be the death of books!
As I prep for my conference on AI storytelling the meme that comes to mind, is this. “Now it’s time to tell your story”.
And if you felt disadvantaged before, add, “before they tell it for you”.
I came across this below on twitter by Max. The actors and sets all generated by AI. It’s worth a watch. We’re bringing together a gathering of AI storytellers at my University in the near future.
If you’re interested follow this post for updates.